According to data from thousands of dental offices, office visits for dental injuries increase during summertime. The largest increases in dental emergency visits occur on Memorial Day, summer solstice, Fourth of July, and Labor Day.
Dental emergencies vary, but they all require swift, calm action on the part of adults. Here are three things to know about summer dental emergencies.
During summer holidays, families enjoy boating, water skiing, hiking, and biking. All of these activities can lead to sudden dental emergencies.
Dental emergencies can also occur during:
- Summer construction projects
- Tractor and farm work
- Horseback riding
- Summer sports camp
- Auto collisions
- Playground falls
- Poolside or diving injuries
Teeth may be knocked loose, cracked, chipped, or pushed out of position after a mouth injury.
If your family is active during the summer months, be prepared for a dental emergency. Talk with your household members, including children, about how to respond during a dental emergency. If a tooth is knocked loose, make every effort to find the tooth.
Dental emergencies should be handled at the dentist's office. Post your dentist's phone number prominently where all household members can find it. If your dentist is not available, take the person with the dental injury to an emergency room or urgent care facility for examination.
Prepare a kit for dental emergencies. In a small pencil case or bag, place the following five items:
- Two zippered sandwich bags (to fill with ice)
- Clean washcloth or handkerchief
- Sterile gauze pads
- Pair of tweezers
- Small, leak-proof plastic container with screw-on lid
The patient can use ice to hold on the face near the tooth injury. A washcloth should be placed between the skin and the ice bag.
If the tooth injury is bleeding, the patient can use gauze to soak up blood inside their mouth.
Tweezers can be used to pick out any debris or tooth fragments in the mouth. This tool is helpful in the case of a severe injury where a child might choke on debris or shattered teeth. The tweezers can also pick up a knocked out, or avulsed, tooth by the crown. (Never pick up a knocked-out tooth by the roots if you can help it.)
Discard debris and flush the dirty area with normal saline or distilled water. You can use the cup and lid to hold a knocked-out tooth if it can't be inserted into the mouth right away. Tooth fragments can also be placed in the container. Cover the tooth or fragments in milk or a saltwater solution.